If you are interested in the online giving program, complete information and sign-up information can be foundby clicking HERE.
If you are interested in "officially" joining the parish and receiving contribution envelopes please follow this LINK. Thanks!
If you are subscribed to electronic giving and have not signed on to your WeShare account since the February transition from Parish Pay, please do the following to verify your account:
Send an email to [email protected] with the following information in the body of the email:
• Full name
• Home address
• Email address
• Phone number
• Our Parish Name and city
WeShare will then send you an email to allow you to reset your password and access our donation site. Please note that, for security reasons, the link will expire 24 hours after receipt of the email.
If, for some reason, the information that you provided does not match with WeShare’s records, a representative from LPI will call you to resolve any issues.
WeShare can also be contacted directly at (800) 950-9952. Thank you for using the online
giving system and supporting our parish.
Your Easter contribution to Saint Aedan's should be something which truly reflects your love of God and your parish. As many struggle through economically trying times, may we respectfully request that, this Easter you challenge yourself to give as generously as your own financial means allow. If you did not receive your Easter envelope in the monthly mailing, there are special envelopes available on the tables in the back of the Church. Thank you and God bless you and your loved ones with a truly Blessed Easter.
Please consider incorporating the “MITE BOX” into your Lenten Almsgiving efforts. All of the parishes in our county have been asked to join together in support of the charitable efforts of Catholic Charities Community Services of Rockland (CCCSR). This year, as you might imagine, the need is greater than ever. For those unable to acquire a box, or who prefer an alternative approach, we are inviting them to incorporate a Virtual Mite Box into their Lenten practice and, at the end of Lent, send in a check, make payable to Catholic Charities Community Services. May God Bless you all!
(from 3/5 bulletin)
During these financially trying times, with inflation, high food and gasoline prices, and some of our families facing temporary unemployment, it is very difficult for me to find the words to motivate everyone to make a sacrificial commitment to our annual Cardinal’s Stewardship Appeal. So, I won’t.
Instead, I will let Christ, Himself, speak directly to you. “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.” (Luke 3:11) Whatsoever you do for the least of your brothers and sisters, you do unto Me.” (Matthew 25:40).
Our assigned parish goal for this year is $ 91,700. To date we have received over $53,000 in pledges and gifts (from just 103 parishioners). Last year we surpassed our goal by raising $93,560. If you have not yet done so, please set aside a few moments this week in order to pray on what sacrificial commitment you can make to this year’s campaign. Write out a check and place it in the collection basket, drop it off at the parish office or, mail it directly to the campaign office.
Please go out of your way to give, as generously as you can, to this year’s APPEAL and always, always, thank God if you have the privilege of being a giver and not a receiver.
Thank you for stepping up and doing your part in helping our beautiful parish of Saint Aedan to be a leader in this year’s Cardinal’s Stewardship Campaign. May God bless you and your loved ones throughout this New Year.
“Whatsoever you do for the least of My brothers and sisters, that you do unto Me.”
Renew and ReBuild Campaign
Over the past five years, since we initiated this vital campaign, our parish has enjoyed the benefits of many capital projects made possible by this substantial campaign and the generous contributions which a few of you made directly to our own parish capital fund.
During the past five years, we’ve installed a new air-conditioning / heating system in the church. We’ve upgraded the church and other buildings to the brighter and more energy efficient LED lighting. During the early days of the Covid pandemic, we installed the new air purification system in the church, school and gym constantly purifying the air we breathe from 99.4% of covid, mold and other impurities. We also transformed our house at 11 Reld into a parish conference and office center and completed a number of roofing repairs on our various buildings.
Right now, we are putting the final touches on our biggest and most expensive capital project, our brand new driveway-parking lot areas.
We’ve done all of this and much, much more thanks to some very dedicated parishioners who were willing to step forward and pledge the financial backing which our capital campaign needed in order to move forward to completion.
At present, this five-year campaign is winding down and, thankfully, many of you who made five-year pledges have been sending in your final pledge payments. At this time, we are urgently reaching out to everyone with an outstanding balance to please pay-off your pledge by June 30th so that our parish debts can be satisfied.
Those of you who may not have been with us when our R&R campaign got underway, or who were financially unable to make a pledge at that time, are asked to please consider stepping-up now and sending in a generous gift to our local parish capital fund -- where 100% of the money stays right here in the parish. We have had a number of households who, for whatever reason, have not followed up on their pledges, so new contributors would be a big help in making-up for this deficit.
On behalf of our entire parish, I would like to thank everyone who, over the past five years, have been willing to assume the role of shareholder in the running and the financing of our beautiful parish and its continued growth and vitality. I would also like to thank those of you who are willing to step forward and bring our campaign to a happy and successful conclusion.
Msgr. Emmet Nevin
Feb 2021
The town has given us final approval to move forward with the completion of our church driveway and parking lot project. Phase one - the complete excavation and reconstruction of our entire drainage system and driveway areas. Phase two - the re-surfacing and striping of all three of our church parking areas. Both are very costly.
Our last R&R report (11/2/20) showed that our parish had collected $1,011,561.37 of our total pledges of $1,440,475.98. (72%) This has been mostly spent over the past four years on our earlier R&R projects. Our present task is for us to collect $432,914.46 in outstanding pledges (28%). This is money we need to pay for the remaining and biggest project of all.
While we are committed to completing the entire Phase One project – drainage & driveway area a.s.a.p. I think most of us would agree that it would be great if we could also, at the same time, do the Phase Two repaving & striping project. However, we would need to start banking a lot of that outstanding pledge money at a much faster rate than we have been seeing. During these challenging times, when a lot of our households are financially strapped, It remains to be seen if this is a realistic expectation.
Besides the Renew & Rebuild campaign, we are hoping that our more recent parishioners, who were not here during the R & R pledge drive, four years ago, would be willing to step up and make some generous donations to our PARISH Capital Fund. We really need you to become “stakeholders” in our parish and it’s future. Our Parish Capital Fund allows 100% of the money raised to remain right here in the parish. If wiling and financially able, please contact me [Msgr. Nevin]; I would be glad to talk it over with you.
As always, we are very grateful to all of you who have been so generous over these past few difficult months. You’ve been wonderful and, as pastor, I am truly grateful.
In Christ,
Msgr. Emmet Nevin
An important part of what we are about as a parish is the active, ongoing participation of each and every one of our parishioners, our brothers and sisters in Christ, at our many parish activities, most especially at our worship at Sunday Mass. Additionally, the life of our parish relies on the ongoing and generous financial support of every one of our members, fifty-two weeks a year, whether they are at home or away. We are totally dependent upon the goodness of every individual and household to do their best to sacrifice and contribute to best of their ability.
We strongly urge that this be done through the use of the weekly envelope system. By using weekly envelopes, parishioners attest, in a more formal way, that they are shareholders in our parish community and that they recognize that their ongoing and regular financial commitment is essential to the continued financial health and wellbeing of the parish family. Envelope use also provides us with a basis for issuing charitable giving statements at the end of the year.(We do not record loose check contributions not enclosed in envelopes.) Also, as you may know, if you are ever audited, the IRS no longer accepts canceled checks as proof for charitable deductions.
There are also those times when we receive requests for Sponsor Letters for Baptism or Confirmation or Letters of Freedom for Marriage. Because Father John and I are still getting to know you, your being a registered, Mass going, envelope using parishioner helps provide us with a more solid basis for identifying you and issuing the documentation you may need. I wish you and your loved ones God’s continued blessings throughout the remainder of the Easter season, and I look forward to seeing you at our parish worship and other activities.
Rev. Msgr. Emmet R. Nevin
Prayerfully yours in Christ,