The Junior Lectors Ministry is a spirit-based ministry whose mission is to help enhance the beauty of the Mass by having students deliver the spiritual readings.
Young people are given the opportunity to proclaim the Word of God to others and to develop a deeper understanding and love of scripture. Our lectors deliver the spiritual readings at the 10 am Sunday Children’s Mass. Our readers develop their public speaking skills and become comfortable reading before others. Students may also earn community service hours.
This ministry is open to girls and boys in grades 8 – 12. Students are scheduled on a rotating basis from September through June. Readers prepare by reading the assigned Scripture before coming to Mass, dressing appropriately and arriving 10 minutes early. If a student cannot make their assigned Mass, he or she needs to find a substitute reader.
If you want further information, or would like to become a Junior Lector, you may contact Marie Gartner at (845) 735-2036 (the PREP Office).