Apply your Do-It-Yourself skills to help make our parish safe and sound for all!
The Joseph Ministry is a service-based ministry whose mission is to make our Church and other parish buildings as safe and sound as possible; by repairing and maintaining the parish structures and features, and performing occasional projects on an as-requested basis.
Our ministry started in December, 2018. We have repaired Church doors, dismantled and put away the Church Christmas display, repaired many broken missal racks and kneelers and removed candle wax from the carpets.
Participation in this ministry is open to men and women who have a willingness to do what it takes to offer our parishioners a beautiful and functional spiritual home. Some knowledge of /and skill with basic tools would be helpful. Some projects are individual efforts; some are group efforts. Meetings are on an as-needed basis.
For more information, you may contact Harry Wilson at [email protected].
You are needed! Join us!