Next Saturday our 2nd graders will be receiving their First Holy Communion. We ask that you pray for them and hope they will always be as close to Jesus as they will be on that day.
If someone is HOMEBOUND or in the HOSPITAL, please notify the Parish House (845)735-7405.
Arrangements can be made so that the homebound person is not deprived of receiving the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
Each Sunday, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are deputed to bring the Holy Eucharist to the homebound and both Nyack Manor and Tolstoy nursing facilities. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered at Nyack Manor every Wednesday at 10:30 am and at Tolstoy at 10:30 am on the Last Friday of each month. Holy Communion is brought by a priest to those confined to their rooms. Please, inform the Parish House [(845) 735-7405] if a family member of friend has been recently admitted to these places.