PARISH ADULT ALTAR MINISTRY: At this time, we are inviting all of our adult women and men to join our Adult Altar Ministry which is exercised at all of our parish funeral masses and special services. Don’t worry, after some brief training, you will be all set to go. If interested, please contact Bob Reers at 735-6194.
“I came to serve, not to be served.” – Jesus
Join us! Be of Service… Be an Adult Altar Server.
A special ministry whereby an adult man or woman assists the priest during Funeral Masses. In many cases, it is one of the most beautiful celebrations you’ll attend, lending a special element of consolation and support for the deceased family.
What do we do?
The mission of the Ministry of Adult Altar Servers is to enhance, and add to, the reverence and worship of Our Lord at the Mass of Christian Burial services. By assisting the priest in the celebration of the Mass, we attest to those present, the caring and concern of the parish for the loss of their loved one. Our ministry is open to both men and women. Our ministers need the physical ability to climb the altar steps, carry the cross or candles, help with water and wine cruets, and prepare the incense censor. Occasionally, at the request of the celebrant, we may be asked to deliver the Testament readings, or to serve as a Eucharistic Minister.
Candidates will first observe experienced servers before serving at a Mass. We have a brief guide to read and follow, and a check-up list to be referenced prior to the Mass. Servers are to come one-half hour prior to Mass to set-up and ask any questions. You will be notified by email of any impending Mass of Christian Burial services, and you can let the ministry facilitator know if you are available to participate. This is a great opportunity to perform a Corporal Work of Mercy.
Once trained, Adult Altar Servers can also assist the priest at daily Masses. For more information on becoming an Adult Altar Server, please contact Bob Reers at 845 735-6194, or [email protected].